As educators, we now look to the fall with trepidation. These situations can include distance learning! The Distance Learning Solution integrates essential components of instruction into a single, adaptable digital experience to meet unique educator needs now and into the future.” That’s why we’ve created a new Distance Learning Solution and The Creative Curriculum® Cloud. Researchers from the center, high school history teacher Manuel Rustin and Jeffrey Garrett, the senior director of Leadership Development at the Partnership for Los Angeles Schools, discussed the state of education during the coronavirus pandemic in “To the extent feasible: Strategies for success with distance learning,” a webinar hosted by EdSource on Tuesday. But this can be overwhelming for us and our students. Distance learning strategies in response to COVID-19 school closures, UNESCO COVID-19 Education Response Education Sector Issue Note 2.1, April 2020 All webinars on COVID-19 education response; More on COVID-19 Educational Disruption and Response Just remember to avoid cognitive overload. Strategies for Distance Learning. SUBJECT : SUGGESTED STRATEGIES IN IMPLEMENTING DISTANCE LEARNING DELIVERY MODALITIES (DLDM) FOR SCHOOL YEAR 2020-2021 DATE : JULY 21, 2020 In accordance with the directive of the Office of the President that no face-to-face classes shall be held until the vaccine for COVID-19 becomes available, the distance learning delivery 3. Creating infographics and flow charts reduces the cognitive load of too much text. Transitioning to distance learning is certainly a challenge for all educators, but teachers who work with dyslexic students may find this time especially difficult. This is where flexibility comes in, and adjustments can be made so that the students are challenged and not getting everything perfectly right, but are still somewhat successful. The strategies should feel difficult, but not so difficult that the students cannot actually do them. For today’s blog, I decided to fill these explanations out in written form—producing multiple modes of presentation AND spacing! Importantly, this is not the same thing as learning styles. As districts nationwide have no doubt learned, distance learning is different—in good ways and in challenging ways—from the traditional in-person educational experience. Tasks can be technologically simple to complete but still require depth of knowledge. Create a flexible timetable. (3) Little J.L., Bjork E.L., Bjork R.A., & Angello G. (2012). Improving Students’ Learning with Effective Learning Techniques: Promising Directions from Cognitive and Educational Psychology. Try to break the lecture videos up into smaller chunks so that students can work through “bite-sized” pieces. This is important to remember. It includes thoughtfully planned and engaging learning experiences. Creating a schedule and sticking to it is especially important in distance courses, where students are often required to move through more of the work at their own pace. Instructors can even make short videos explaining additional concepts to be released to the students after the primary lecture (producing additional spacing). In lecture videos or virtual video chat lectures, instructors can repeat the most important concepts; the spaced repetition really helps! Importantly, all of these strategies have a couple of very important things in common: They are all difficult. This gives students a sense of choice and control in the process. Set different days for different subjects, or even different instructional strategies. Be authentic: Simply put, teachers need to be true to themselves and also true to their students. Provide the students with prompting questions (especially those that require the students to integrate information across different content, introducing more spacing and interleaving) and ask the students to work through the answers to those questions together. Instructors can implement them in their distance learning environments (whether that be synchronous/virtual/remote or asynchronous/distance) in ways that will foster student learning that works best for their course, and students can infuse their study sessions with these strategies in a way that will promote long-term learning. Dental schools faced the challenge of effectively engaging students over virtual learning platforms. Distance Learning: Best Apps, Tools and Online Services. Asynchronous, self-directed, ‘genius’ learning–that is, learning students do on their own because they want to–is another way to empower students as a remote teaching tip. Not all of these strategies will be possible with every activity, assessment, or assignment. This approach comes from my 14 years of classroom experience, 11 years of virtual instruction, mentoring developing teachers, and coaching others along the way. Be familiar: As educators, we sometimes want to try all the good resources we see. NCER 2007-2004. iCEV integrates with multiple LMS tools, including Canvas and Schoology. 2. However, the research shows us that, in the long-term (even 1-2 days later), these strategies work very well. Uncategorized Apr 21, 2015. The same goes with assessments and activities. Be flexible: Flexible instruction means that students are given the opportunity to express their understanding in a variety of means and that there is not one fixed way to accomplish the task. Retrieval practice with short-answer, multiple-choice, and hybrid tests. Then, you can insert hyperlinks into the documents that allow the students to click to access material. Elaboration involves asking “how” and “why” questions about a specific topic, and then trying to find the answers to those questions. The same can be done with formative and summative assessments—the types of which will vary according to your content. An empowering environment, whether remote or in person, often includes several of the strategies discussed below. If you’re reading this and you’re an educator, congratulations: You have survived the 2019–20 school year. It doesn't matter where you live – you can gain a degree from anywhere in the world.. 8. First, he … Dan is a high school math teacher, and instead of assigning students work in an online program (which requires multiple steps to log in), he posts problems to solve in his online classroom. Students complete them, take a picture, and submit. Strategies for Fostering a Productive Distance Learning Experience The best classroom learning is rooted in positive relationships and dynamic interactions among students and with the teacher. There are many good ideas out there, and it can be hard not to experiment with them all. Be concise: Along the same vein, you should clearly communicate what needs to be done in a way that your target audience can understand. 7. Most educators have received minimal instructional technology training and the reason they went into teaching is that they love working with kids — in person. ... Thankfully, the experts at Greater Good Berkeley indicate that there are some tricks and strategies that are available to help ease children through this stage. Concrete examples are often used by instructors. However, it then becomes easy for those students to put off assignments until right before they are due, when there might not be time to get it all done. Personalized with immediate grading and gamification. Likewise, refusing to ever incorporate learners’ unique characteristics will lead to instruction that’s a struggle due to lack of motivation and interest. Top 10 Tools for Distance Learning & Strategies in 2020. While students do have preferences, matching these preferences does not help them learn. So, copying one’s notes would not be very helpful, but trying to summarize their notes from their memory would be very beneficial. Dual coding is all about combining verbal representations of information (words) with visual representations of information (pictures/diagrams). There should be a logic to the sequence of the tasks and why they’re being done. Retrieval practice involves bringing information to mind from memory. However, this also means that there really isn’t a specific prescription we can provide that will “always work.” Instead, understanding the strategies and how they work can help instructors and students. Keep this in mind when implementing the strategies, and highlight these points for the students. In this guide to distance learning, I am starting with the blog that I wrote last year summarizing the six strategies for effective learning for teachers. Attempting to incorporate another teacher’s style will not always work. Ask them to rate their levels of frustration with the tools as well. When giving students homework assignments to do, require them to work on material that is both new and old (creating both spacing and interleaving). The students do not need to remember everything and can check their notes or course materials after retrieval to fill in gaps. My number one piece of advice as you embark on this journey is to give yourself some grace. 5. Many learners have problems with the rhetorical, grammatical, … Imagine teaching about scarcity and using airline tickets as an example. The school year has come to an abrupt halt. Finally, I like to write a larger number of questions and have the quiz randomly pull from the larger bank of questions so that not everyone gets the exact same question.